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In Romania, the army as a social force, respects and promotes national values, simultaneously with the defense of national interest. The values and moral principles of the army's ethics are largely reflected in the process of education and training of children, these landmarks have always existed and represent models for many generations. The results of the current studies conducted among the school population, compared to the values collected 20 years ago, show us a significant decrease in the level of accumulation of appropriate motric luggage among students. This paper brings to attention the results of a study carried out with 85 subjects, 55 students and masters aged between 19 and 25years old. Communication of leaders at inter-ministerial level, can produce adaptations of the curricular contents of traditional education for the benefit of military education. Through the synergistic action of the leaders, an important contribution can be made to the complex approach of training the future specialists, in the context of the change of Romanian military realities.
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