Keywords: critical infrastructure; system; interdependencies; threats; vulnerabilities.Abstract
Abstract: The growing scientific interest in the field of critical infrastructure protection has been determined by society's growing dependence on the essential services provided by these infrastructures. Critical infrastructures do not work isolated, they establish complex and dynamic networks of interdependencies. A critical infrastructure is itself a system with its own components and operating principles, a system connected to a system of systems based on multiple determinations. Critical infrastructure systems are built based on interdependent relationships between infrastructures, manifesting itself as an open system that relates to the macro-social system. Critical infrastructure systems behave dynamically and react to external stimuli represented by threats. Interdependencies between critical infrastructures generate new vulnerabilities and threats, based on the spread of effects and consequences. A comprehensive approach for critical infrastructure risks requires a systemic approach, taking into account that the interconnection of critical infrastructure objectives also involves the interconnection of threats and vulnerabilities.
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