
  • Viliam PASTOR Head of Planning / Module G5 Operations Planning / Command of the 4th ,,Gemina" Infantry Division



Keywords: military power; balance of power; political power; security.


Abstract: The frequent increasingly challenges, registered in the Eastern European security environment, require an unconventional approach due to the fact that classical typology of conflict has long become history, being replaced by the asymmetric type of conflict. Can European society overcome the new atypical security crises imposed by the military threat of Eastern European origin? Can the balance of military power be maintained so that Western society continues to enjoy security and democracy? These are just two legitimate questions that European states need to have a clear answer to, based on resource allocations in the military operational environment. Moreover, it is clear that security requires investments from a financial point of view and these must be continuous and at the minimum accepted level, like 2% of GDP, at the level of each NATO Member State.

Author Biography

Viliam PASTOR, Head of Planning / Module G5 Operations Planning / Command of the 4th ,,Gemina" Infantry Division

Date of birth, City/Country: 19 July 1973, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

Higher education (undergraduate and graduate studies):

  • Bachelor degree in (field of study), awarded by (University), class of (year): Bachelor of Military Science, awarded by Military Institute of Infantry and Chemistry “Nicolae Bălcescu”, Sibiu, 1995
  • Master degree in (field of study), awarded by (University), class of (year): Master degree in Management of International Relations and Community Affairs, awarded by Babeș Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 2004
  • Doctorate degree in (field of study), awarded by (University), class of (year): PHD student at the Doctoral School of  National Defense University ,,Carol I", Bucharest

Relevant training courses: Postgraduate management course ,,Strategic Management in the Field of Defense Information" / Faculty of Security and Defense / National Defense University ,,Carol I", Bucharest.

Research interests: He has a vast scientific activity, participating to the publishing several articles and scientific papers

Relevant scientific achievements: International Scientific Conference Strategy XXI, National Defense University ,,Carol I", Bucharest 


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