
  • Bogdan VOINESCU Commander (N), Graduate student, “Carol I” National Defense University
  • Ionel POPESCU Lieutenant Commander (N), Graduate student, “Carol I” National Defense University




Keywords: divers; riverine environment; riverine area.


Abstract: This approach proposes an analysis and a presentation of divers’ actions in the riverine area in order to combat the risks and the threats which can occur there, correlated with the features and the characteristics of the environment and with the objectives of the Navy. The identification of new insights and opportunities of involving the divers in this domain through concrete, focused actions having a maximum effect in the preservation of a security climate in the riverine area is the novelty of this approach. While analyzing the actual possibilities of divers’ actions in the riverine area, this article is pleading regarding the importance of using divers in this environment and it is structured on two directions. The actions of the military divers in the riverine area contain these directions that meet the national objectives regarding maintenance or getting the control over the main economic and military objectives concomitant with the research, capture or destruction of enemy`s forces. I am addressing this approach to the specialists and to those who are interested in divers’ way of actions in the riverine environment. Divers are an especially important tool among the whole range of military actions in the riverine area. The actions taken by divers usually offer depth to the campaign and they have a significant role in preserving the riverine area.


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