Keywords: nuclear rhetoric; nuclear deterrence; counterproliferation; security dilemma; strategic communication.Abstract
Abstract: Actors struggle in the nuclear power games is more symbolic one, due to the fact that it is believed that a nuclear attack nowadays is not likely to happen, since it is generally-accepted that nations cannot reliably defend against a nuclear attack by using traditional means. Therefore, the present paper aims to emphasize the role of actors’ nuclear rethoric in pursuing nuclear objectives. The document analyzes the nuclear doctrine of the first three most powerful nuclear-states, highlighting the potential of strategic communication.
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10. MICHAELS Jim; ONYANGA-OMARA Jane, “There are nearly 16,000 nuclear weapons in the world – and Russia, U.S. hold more than 90%”, USA Today, URL: 8002/
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12. SCHELLING C. Thomas, “Bargaining, communication, and limited war”, in Conflict Resolution, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, Yale University, 1957.
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14. ZODIAN Mihai Vladimir, Proliferarea nucleară și echilibrul strategic central în secolul XXI – Studiu de specialitate, Centre for Defence and Security Strategic Studies, National Defence “Carol Ist” Publishing House, 2020, URL: pdf_studii/PROLIFERAREA%20NUCLEARA%20SI%20ECHILIBRUL%20STRATEGIC%20CENTRAL%20IN%20SECOLUL%20XXI.pdf
2. ***, “Background Information”, United Nations, URL: sarmament/wmd/nuclear/npt2020/prepcom2019-background/
3. ***, “The Many Uses of Nuclear Technology”, World Nuclear Association, November 2020, URL:
4. ***, “Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)”, United Nations, URL:
5. ***, Nuclear Posture Review, Office of The Secretary of Defense, Departament of Defense, United States of America, February 2018, URL: https://media.defense. gov/2018/Feb/02/2001872886/-1/-1/1/2018-NUCLEAR-POSTURE-REVIEW-FINAL-REPORT.PDF
6. ***, Presidential Decree No. 355, The Basics of the Russian Federation's State Policy on Nuclear Deterrence, approved by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Kremlin, June 2nd, 2020, URL: https://www. policy/international_safety/disarmament/-/asset_publisher/rp0fiUBmANaH/content/ id/4152094
7. ***, State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, 2019.
8. BUTCHER Martin, What Wrongs Our Arms May Do: The Role of Nuclear Weapons in Counterproliferation, Washington, August 2003.
9. KRISTENSEN M. Hans; KORDA Matt, “Chinese nuclear forces, 2020”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Volume 76, Issue 6, 2020, URL: https://www.tandfonline. com/doi/full/10.1080/00963402.2020.1846432, accessed on 21.02.2021.
10. MICHAELS Jim; ONYANGA-OMARA Jane, “There are nearly 16,000 nuclear weapons in the world – and Russia, U.S. hold more than 90%”, USA Today, URL: 8002/
11. PELOPIDAS B., “A bet portrayed as a certainty: Reassessing the added deterrent value of nuclear weapons”, in SCHULTZ, G.P. & GOODBY, J.E. (Eds.), The war that must never be fought: Dilemmas of nuclear deterrence, Hoover Press, Washington D.C., 2015.
12. SCHELLING C. Thomas, “Bargaining, communication, and limited war”, in Conflict Resolution, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, Yale University, 1957.
13. TAYLOR C. Bryan, “Nuclear Deterrence and Communication”, in B.C. Taylor and H. Bean (Eds.), The ICA Handbook of Communication and Security, Routledge, New York, 2019.
14. ZODIAN Mihai Vladimir, Proliferarea nucleară și echilibrul strategic central în secolul XXI – Studiu de specialitate, Centre for Defence and Security Strategic Studies, National Defence “Carol Ist” Publishing House, 2020, URL: pdf_studii/PROLIFERAREA%20NUCLEARA%20SI%20ECHILIBRUL%20STRATEGIC%20CENTRAL%20IN%20SECOLUL%20XXI.pdf