
  • Adrian-Robert GHEORGHE Colonel, Doctoral School, “Carol I” National Defense University



Keywords: mobility; countermobility; military actions; the environment of confrontation; crossing obstacles.


Abstract: Modern military conflicts have proved that military actions are characterized by very rapid situational changes. Commanders and staffs must know how to react promptly to these changes and order, according to the situation, the measures to be taken, knowing that their decisions will coordinate the combat actions of the forces according to the missions received. The tendency of modern armies to increase the mobility of their troops by technological up-grades in short time, which incorporated the latest developments in science at that time, has been constantly backed up by the tendency to find the most economical and effective ways to reduce the maneuverability of opposing troops. These trends generated by the high dynamics of the current confrontation environment have practically imposed the need for the permanent remodeling of the military structures having as final goal the obtaining of the victory in the military operations/actions.

Author Biography

Adrian-Robert GHEORGHE, Colonel, Doctoral School, “Carol I” National Defense University

Date of birth, City/Country: January 13, 1973 , Braila / Rou

Higher education (undergraduate and graduate studies):

  1. Bachelor degree in Military Engineering awarded by “Panait Donici” Military Institute for Engineering, Constructions and Railways, class of 1995;
  2. Master’s degree in International Relations  awarded by Faculty of Political Sciences, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu class of 2009;
  3. Master degree in Military Joint Leadership awarded by Joint Command and Staff  Faculty, “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, class of 2012;
  4. PhD Researcher in Military Science at “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest (2018-present).

Relevant training courses:

  • M&J and Bailey practical training – 2001
  • Military Engineering Advanced Operation & Planning Curse  – MILENG COE / 2012
  • Battle Staff C-IED Attack-the-Network Course – 2014
  • Advanced Brigade All Source Intelligence Workshop - 2014

Relevant certifications: 

  • Instructor for M&J and Bailey practical training – 2001
  • NATO Medal SFOR apr-oct 2001
  • NATO Medal SFOR oct 2003 – apr 2004
  • The European Security Defence Policy Service Medal – EUFOR ALTEA 2006

Current position and affiliation:

  • Chief of staff / “Dunarea de Jos” 10th Engineer Brigade

Research interests: 

  • military science / mobility and countermobility of military structures

Relevant scientific achievements:

* Published articles:

  • Military engineering structures transformations in the context of constantly changing environment of action
  • Factors influencing the mobility and countermobility of forces
  • Mobility-countermobility correlation in military engineering


1. White Paper on Defense, Bucharest 2017.
2. G.-1, The doctrine of engineer support in joint operations, Bucharest, 2016.
3. F.T.-1, Doctrine of land forces operations, Bucharest, 2007.
4. MG.dr. FRUZETI Teodor, Force mobility - an important condition for increasing the capacity of self-protection and attack of land forces, seminar "Romania - member of the North Atlantic Alliance", Bucharest, 2004.
5. Col. prof. univ. dr. STĂNCILĂ Lucian, Laws and principles of armed struggle, AISM Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000.
6. TOMA Gh., STĂNCILĂ L., The operative art between opposites - actuality and perspectives, AISM Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001.
7. ŢENU Costică, STĂNCILĂ L., Course of operative art - Nomological bases of military actions in the modern war, AISM Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003.
8. LTC.instr.av.drd. STANCIU Cristian-Octavian, The implications of modern systems and technologies in redefining new doctrinal concepts, Bulletin of the National Defense University "Carol I" no. 1, 2015, “Carol I” National Defense University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015.
9. Military Engineering Center of Excellence, Germany, 2020.





