
  • Cătălin CHIRIAC Advanced instructor in the Air force department “Carol I” National Defense University




Keywords: paragraph; format; operation order; operation plan; staff; operation; evolution; mission; objectives.


Abstract: The delivery of information from the highest command level to the execution level has always required the existence of a format that can ensure both the fluidity of information and the same language of communication for all soldiers involved in the process. This format, perfected over time, has provided the standard necessary for the development, transmission and especially understanding of the main documents specific to the planning of operations, and here I have in mind the concept, plan or different types of operation orders.

Author Biography

Cătălin CHIRIAC, Advanced instructor in the Air force department “Carol I” National Defense University

Date of birth, City/Country: October 11, 1974, Matca / Romania

Higher education (undergraduate and graduate studies):

  • Bachelor degree in Anti-aircraft artillery and missiles, awarded by Military Artillery and Anti-Air Missile Institute, class of 1997;
  • Master degree in Military Sciences and Information, awarded by „Carol I” National Defence University, class of 2012;
  • Doctorate degree in Military Sciences, awarded by „Carol I” National Defence University, class of 2020

Current position and affiliation: Advanced instructor in the Air force department

Research interests: Military planning, Air power



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