emerging technologies; Artificial Intelligence; machine learning; humanoid robots/androids; Multi-Domain Operations.Abstract
The international competition on emerging technologies rises a new and very dangerous threat for global and regional security because of the easy access to the procurament of very high-tech and sensitive defence material. The race for who will control some domains from the future operating environment is between the United States, Russia and China, but several other state and non-state actors have reconsidered their high-tech strategies, already. It is about India, Iran, Japan, Israel and the European Union as a whole, as well as transnational terrorist and organised crime organisations or multinational companies. At the same time, the last technological developments have created a huge discrepancy in the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA), especially because of letting far behind doctrines and the organisation of military structures for combat. This anacronism is evolving with the intent of gradually replacing regular fighters and current formations in the modern battlefield with robots/androids and joint human-machines teams. As a result, it has become imperative to develop new concepts/strategies for future conflicts that brings together all elemnts of advanced technologies and coordinates their joint acions on any potential adversary, in order to achieve a total and quick victory. This material will analyse the US Army’s concept of Multidimensional Operatios and how it is understood at the Allied level.