
  • Robert Călinoiu
  • Dănuț Chiriac



asymmetric; hybrid; threats; intelligence; hostile; strategy; security; case study


Globalization and technological developments brought to societies huge benefits, but also new security challenges. State or private entities, having access to new, advanced technologies, and benefiting of the rapid and free movement, developed methods and strategies to harm their perceived enemies. National security, considered alone or in conjunction with those of the allied states or within the security organizations is challenged lately by hostile acts performed by various entities, aimed at weakening societies, value systems, beliefs or even the simply well-being of the citizens. Intelligence services, as part of the national / organizational security systems are called to discover, perform early warning, monitor, and counter such aggressive actions, even if a clearly attribution of the perpetrator is difficult. Our endeavour is to draw a picture of the current preoccupations in the field, presenting also three cases where the uncertainty of the transgressors has been eliminated without any shadow of doubt.


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