STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment en-US (Stan Ana-Raluca) (Stan Ana-Raluca) Thu, 10 Feb 2022 15:17:42 +0200 OJS 60 TERROR ATTACKS AGAINST AFRICAN HEALTH FACILITIES <p>The article is about the attacks on health facilities including hospitals, medical staff and security inside the healthcare institutions. The author first goes on to present a short introduction about the general knowledge concerning the situation of the terrorist assaults on the hospitals and the medical staff. He divides the text into several chapters, which try to comprehend the most important sides of the attacks ont he healthcare institutions. First, he starts with armed assaults on hospitals and health workers, where he describes the dangers the terrorists pose against the institutions and the personnel in them. Then he goes on to talk about the attacks by radicalized medical staff against their own personnel and patients, which presents a serious problem for the security officers. He continues with attacks by explosions, hostage taking and cyber attacks on medical facilities. At the end, the author concludes the article by giving some advises for the international community how to resolve these problems.</p> János BESENYŐ, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Tue, 08 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 “LAZARUS” THE NORTH KOREAN HACKER GROUP <p>The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is famous for the poverty, destitution and backwardness, however in spite of these negative features it is among the most advanced cyber warfare countries. In the daily news quite often can be read about cyber-attacks against different states, media institutions or banks where the experts assume that the DPRK supported hacker group the “LAZARUS” is behind the attacks. According to the latest news the group in connection with stealing a big amount of crypto currency and money laundering got into the limelight. The state officially denies the existence of the group however cyber analysts and security experts found direct and circumstantial evidences that prove the connection between the North Korean state and the hacker group.</p> Attila GULYÁS Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Tue, 08 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 THE LGBTQ ISSUE AS A SUPPLEMENTARY TOOL FOR POLARIZATION IN POST-SOVIET COUNTRIES – THE CASE OF GEORGIA <p>At present, when pandemic enters a new phase, the geopolitical confrontation between the adherents of unipolar and multipolar international security systems takes its new impetus. Besides the pandemic restrictions used widely as a tool of political pressure, the LGBTQ issue recently gained new importance. LGBTQ activists that announced pride in the Georgian capital have not taken to the main avenue of Tbilisi out of fears of violence. Instead, anti-LGBTQ groups' representatives used physical violence against media representatives because of their perceived pro-LGBTQ/Western stance. As it is known LGBTQ issue has become quite divisive not only in Georgia but in EU member countries. The present paper discusses developments in Georgia and the post-Soviet area as an example of a small proxy state of the former Soviet Union as an arena of struggle between the West and East on values shared by the most Western democracies.</p> George GEGUCHADZE, MA, Ph.D., Maia URUSHADZE, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 FUNCTIONS AND PRINCIPLES OF ENSURING THE SECURITY OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS IN THE CONTEXT OF CYBER THREATS <p>Considering the NATO and EU membership and in the context of new cyber threats, ensuring the security of information and communication systems has become a priority for both public institutions, private companies and the Romanian Army. In this article the aim is to present the main functions and principles of ensuring the security of information and communication systems in the context of the evolution of the IT @ C field.</p> Lucian SCÎRTOCEA Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE, TOOL FOR OPTIMIZING THE MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT <p>The development of the IT &amp; C field produces changes in the way of organizing and functioning of all civilian organizations as well as for those in the military field. The way of managing information in electronic format is a concern of specialists in both military and civilian fields in terms of optimizing the process of managing information in electronic format due to the large volume of files and documents currently operated. </p> Lucian SCÎRTOCEA Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 FROM FAKE NEWS TO REAL NEWS WITH A TWIST: DISINFORMATION AND COVID-19 NARRATIVES <p>Given the major shift in perception, communication and identity triggered by the pandemic over the last two years, the use of digital tools to guide patterns of association, mobilization and action seems more powerful than ever. Although Fake News has been making headlines since the early days of globalization, its later developments revealed interesting conjectures on topics such as the rise of non-state hegemons, ascent of digital diasporas, deterritorialization, or post-politics. In this context, the distances between fake news and reality tend to be blurred by the intervention of interpretive bias, while the role of public’s beliefs, latent iconography and power mythology becomes more critical. Following this argument, the paper looks at some of the emerging trends in fake news and master narratives in digital media, also tackling the implications triggered by their potential use in the context of hybrid confrontations.</p> Iulia ANGHEL, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 SCIENTIFIC SECURITY AND THE BACKBONE OF THE FUTURE ROMANIAN ARMED FORCES <p>Scientific security enters the forefront of the debates related to the evolution of security and military in the future. In that respect, the backbone of the Romanian Armed Forces should move more to fields of scientific research and technological achievements with direct applications and, maybe, a proper scientific and strategic tool at the disposal of the Chief of Defense. The most important fields of research should come from strategic studies, prospective studies, new technologies and their impact, applied military and security sociology, as well as Informational Warfare and impact studies.</p> Iulian CHIFU, Ph.D. Copyright (c) Fri, 04 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 MEASURING GOVERNANCE AND ASSESSING TRENDS IN DEMOCRACY DURING TIMES OF PANDEMIC <p>Bringing to attention the main theoretical landmarks regarding the national governance is a necessity since there are heated debates on the role of the state in the management of phenomena that transcend its borders such as international migration and the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, the paper aims to carry out a non-exhaustive analysis, but focused on recent trends in the study of governance, correlating them with the latest events and determining phenomena that manifest themselves in the international security environment. The goal is to determine whether or not and to identify how the pandemic has influenced governance as a whole, the decline of democracy in particular, as well as national security, especially in the case of European states.</p> Alexandra SARCINSCHI, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Fri, 04 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 THE MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE EPIDEMIC DISEASES INDUCED BY BIOLOGICAL ATTACK WITH CONTAGIOUS AGENTS <p>The current security context illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic shows us that we have vulnerabilities, that there are threats and that there will be risks, including biological ones. In the field of BIO defense it is almost impossible to experiment at the general level. This can only be done on time in the laboratory, in vitro, in vivo and possibly in silico. The calculation methodology for the effects of possible attack with contagious biological warfare agents has certain assumptions and limitations. Considering that the population is homogeneous it results that the isolated groups, to which the infection it does not spread, will show an overestimation. Possible individual variations, particular diseases and asymptomatic cases are not taken into account so either an underestimation or an overestimation occurs. In the mathematical modeling of the epidemic diseases induced by biological attack with contagious agents can use the SEIRP model: Susceptible, Exposed and Infected, Infectious, Removed and Prophylaxis Efficacious Model. The study is important for medical operational planning.</p> Viorel ORDEANU, Ph.D., Lucia Elena IONESCU, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Fri, 04 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 ESTIMATION OF PROBABLE HEALTH LOSSES IN BIOLOGICAL ATTACK WITH NON-CONTAGIOUS AGENTS, BY MATHEMATICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY <p>In the case of attack with CBRN Weapons of Mass Destruction, the use of biological warfare agents is likely to amplify the effect on the living force, in order to infect, lethal or nonlethal, as many enemy as possible. The military medical service must be able to prevent, diagnose, treat and recover all affected military and the civilian population in the area. Health losses must be recovered in their entirety. Mathematical modeling of the epidemic induced by biological attack is useful for planning the forces and means of the military medical service, for medical planning the offensive or defensive operation, logistics and human resources needed for medical support and replacement. The estimates resulting from the calculations according to the formulas recommended in the specific NATO documents allow the optimization of the medical and non-medical countermeasures for the liquidation of the consequences of the biological attack.</p> Viorel ORDEANU, Ph.D., Lucia Elena IONESCU, Ph.D. Copyright (c) Mon, 07 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 COMBATING PANDEMICS AND SOCIAL INTERACTION ERRORS – MOVIES VERSUS REALITY <p>One of the major security threats Humankind was confronted with, along several millennia, was coping with deadly viruses. In such a situation, different means of protection of the population have been ensured – medical discoveries, vaccines, and social interaction obstructions. As the creativity of man knows no bounds, different scenarios have emerged regarding combating disease whilst many scientists have designed layouts of coping with deadly viruses, using different models of infections. The goal of this paper is to analyze some of these models, through the lens of Security Studies and Political Science. Then, the discussion will shift towards social interactions and manipulating the social network. Furthermore, we will apply this model on a few selected movies, critically comparing them to the reality we are facing today. Thereby, the focus shall shift towards four well known movies: Contagion (2011), Outbreak (1995), Quarantine (2008), It comes at Night (2017) and their approach to containing and curing viruses, while also quenching the impeding chaos of dismay.</p> Ioana-Flavia DRĂGOIANU Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Tue, 08 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 THE ROLE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PUBLIC SAFETY FORCES FACING BIOLOGICAL THREAT <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that both state structures and citizens have not been prepared to face up a biological threat. The hesitant way in which, at first, action was taken to limit the spread of the new virus led to the emergence of situations that changed the relationship between the state and the population. The trust of a part of the citizens in the state structures has been altered, especially because of the restrictions imposed to limit the spread of the virus. Those who are in direct contact with citizens and who apply these restrictions are the law enforcement and other forces protecting public order and safety. At present, the countries of the world are in a position to think over some strategy meant to restore the confidence of their population in these forces. This distrust, along with conspiracy theories, endangers national and regional security because it is the ground for the proliferation of populism and extremism. The paper presents the sticking points of the relationship between the citizen and the law enforcement and public safety forces that a strategy at the state and regional level should solve in order to restore a level of trust at which security is ensured.</p> Iulian-Constantin MĂNĂILESCU Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Tue, 08 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 STRATEGIC SEALIFT CAPABILITIES: THE SPECIAL CASE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <p>Along several millennia, sealift capabilities have played a significant role in shaping the political international arena, and the global strategic landscape. We cannot imagine, for example, a fully operational Roman Empire without a massive set of sealift capabilities, able to deploy large armies anywhere around the Mediterranean, and to bring huge amounts of Egyptian grain to Rome. The study is briefly exploring some pivotal moments in global history, when sealift has been massively present; and then it explores, with some details, the present situation of the US strategic sealift capabilities. As far as we know, the ability of the United States to use, in case of need, fully effective strategic sealift is clearly facing important problems and shortages, and this feature of the US national power might generate a lot of problems in many future scenarios, massively impacting strategic evolutions on the World Ocean, in Europe, and mainly in the Asia-Pacific.</p> Florin DIACONU, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 SEARCHING FOR POLITICAL EFFECTIVENESS: THE STRATEGIES BEHIND THE MILITARY UNIFICATION OF JAPAN <p>Over the course of millennia power laid in the hands of generals and rulers and their ability to act – but so did their downfalls. Thus, the first part of this presentation will be focused on the importance of strategy and tactics in any kind of rule. Furthermore, Japanese warfare will be anatomized – how the samurai became elite warriors, weaponry, the transition of samurai warfare during the Sengoku Period and its importance to the fight for supremacy between the Japanese Clans. The goal of this paper is to unravel the conundrums of The Age of War from a political frame of reference, under three powerful influences – Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. The discussion will then shift towards analyzing the impetus that put in motion their plans and the ways they achieved power, their brilliant strategies and their undoing, whilst using the knowledge regarding Political Science and International Relations to determine the political legacy of their actions.</p> Ioana-Flavia DRĂGOIANU Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 CHALLENGES AND VULNERABILITIES OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND MIGRATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION <p>Respect for equal opportunities and control of migration are the basis for the development of any democratic society, the magnitude of these phenomena and their importance on the state balance determining an analysis consistent with the very identity of states and the European Union as a whole, especially as they can influence the values and cohesion of a state. The objective of the research is to present the challenges and vulnerabilities identified in relation to equal opportunities and migration from the perspective of education, their impact on the environment, but also the challenges that may arise in the current global context, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The article starts from the exposition of the importance of equal opportunities and migration in a complex security environment with rapid evolutions and significant implications on multiple levels of social, economic, political and security life, and the main conclusion is that at EU level joint efforts must be made to adopt and respect unitary measures to ensure respect for human rights, in order to ensure security.</p> Delia-Mihaela MARINESCU, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 ROMANIA IN THE NEW SECURITY ENVIRONMENT AFTER THE 2021 BRUSSELS SUMMIT <p>The recent actions of the Russian Federation have raised major concerns among the Euro-Atlantic community. At a time when the security environment we face is becoming increasingly complex, at the NATO Summit in Brussels in 2021, member states reaffirmed their unity, solidarity, cohesion and agreement to open a new chapter in the transatlantic relations. At the same time, NATO remains the foundation of collective security and the essential forum for security consultations and decisions between allies. Romania will also play an extremely important role on NATO's vulnerable south-eastern flank, in the face of the Russian Federation's offensive. Thus, we aim to evaluate the place and role that Romania has as a contributing member of the alliance in ensuring security.</p> Raul NISTOR Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 NATIONAL LEVEL IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITAL DIPLOMACY MECHANISMS AND FUNCTIONS BASED ON EU EXPERIENCE <p>As information and communication technology has developed, its impact has been felt in many areas, including international relations. In the diplomatic field, changes have not been long in coming, while many European countries pioneering the use of the online environment to promote national interests and achieve foreign policy objectives. In this paper, we aim to highlight the main benefits of developing the field of digital diplomacy, the biases that the process has generated and to argue the urgent need to implement these technologies in Romania, based on existing experience in various EU countries.</p> Adrian Victor VEVERA, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 WHY VALUES MATTER IN THE GLOBAL STRUGGLE FOR POWER. KEY IMPLICATIONS FOR EURO-ATLANTIC SECURITY <p>International environment becomes increasingly competitive and conflict prone. The present paper argues that political values subsumed to liberal democracy are an important component of the current global struggle for power and its purpose is to emphasize and argue the major importance of value-based cohesion for Euro-Atlantic actors, as well as the main challenges in this respect. In order to do so, the analysis is framed within the theories of power transition and security community as, together, they reflect both the manner in which values can act as a motivation for conflict and their function as a bond making the members of a security community able to pursue their interest in a conflicting international environment. </p> Cristina BOGZEANU, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 NUCLEAR GEOSTRATEGY OF THE POST-COLD WAR ERA <p>The use of nuclear energy has changed the world's geopolitical and geostrategic landscape irreversibly, distinguishing another attribute of "high power", namely that of nuclear power, which not only means the possession of a nuclear arsenal, but also trade in civil nuclear technology (nuclear reactors for electricity generation) placing the selling state and the buyer in a geopolitical relationship. What's new? The emergence of a new nuclear military power, China, perceived as a "growing tiger", and new exporters of civil nuclear technology, Russia and China, which now concentrate 2/3 of reactor construction in the world after the long period of the Cold War when the global civilian nuclear energy market was dominated by the US. </p> Marius-Cristian NEACȘU, Ph.D, Silviu NEGUȚ, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 UKRAINE – STUCK BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE WEST <p>For some time now, Ukraine has been internally divided between those who support Russia and those who fight for the westernization of the country through its affiliation with NATO and the EU. Both the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) – and later the Eastern Partnership (EaP) policy – as well as Russia’s foreign policy, have been fuelling more and more this internal divide, with every strategy implemented by the EU in that direction leading to violent responses from Russia, which had very significant consequences on Ukraine. This paper aims to present, through qualitative analysis, the present geopolitical situation of Ukraine, which seems to be unable to move forward in a definitive direction. Throughout this essay I will analyse the events that led to the impasse in which Kyiv is stuck now, also touching upon the tense relation between the EU and Russia. Towards the end of the paper, further possible strategies and scenarios are suggested, considering and examining the tense situation in the whole Eastern Neighbourhood. Comparisons between other EaP states and Ukraine are also going to be presented in order to obtain a complete picture of the situation.</p> Lara-Teodora POPESCU Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 THE GREAT POWER COMPETITION BETWEEN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN THE SYRIAN WAR 2015-2020 <p>Even though the Cold War ended 30 years ago, the Russian Federation and the United States of America continue the competition for power through different means and by using several instruments. The Syrian war is one of the longest and complex events in which the two states have recently exposed their capabilities. On the one hand, the Russian Federation found the Syrian war as an opportunity to improve its economy, extend its military influence and gain more allies by supporting Syrian regime and situating as a counterweight to USA. On the other hand, the United States of America fought to maintain its economic gains, strategic coalitions and limit Iran power in the region, using as motif the establishment of democracy and counterterrorism. All of these represented the most important assets of each state towards increasing their authority outside their borders and consolidating their power status in the last 6 years.</p> Mara Sofia CRĂCIUNESCU Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES IN UNITED NATIONS PEACE KEEPING OPERATIONS <p>Special Operation Forces had started to participate in the United Nations peacekeeping operations not long ago, but the consensus on acceptability of their use in peacekeeping operations has already been reached. Present article analyzes views on SOF use in peacekeeping, as expressed by the specialist and enshrined in guidance documents of different countries, explores normative regulation formalized in mandates of respective peacekeeping operations and contemplates typical SOF tasks in peacekeeping operations as defined by the UN in “United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Special Forces Manual”.</p> Octavian DACIN Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 SEPARATISM TODAY: THE GEOPOLITICALLY SIGNIFICANT CASE OF CATALONIA <p>Catalonia’s national identity has its roots in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. In the 19th century, the Catalonian search for independence was encouraged by romantic and revolutionary concepts spread across Europe. After the First World War, we can notice a significant increase of political actions as regards the Catalonian nationalists-separatists, including violent episodes and riots in main cities. As for the contemporary period, the financial crisis in 2007-2008 acted as a new booster for nationalist-separatist ideas leading eventually to referendums in 2009 and also in 2017. The present study is exploring in a historical register the process of Catalonian’s independence. In doing so, I intend to identify and examine the Catalan’s main reasons in claiming complete political independence. The study tackles particularly recent interviews presenting opinions of several Catalonian citizens, some of them with political or administrative responsibilities, concerning regional independence and its potential consequences.</p> Anamaria MANOLE Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 THE DEGRADATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREE PRESS THROUGH THE PEGASUS SOFTWARE IN THE ERA OF SURVEILLANCE, AS A THREAT TO INTERNATIONAL SECURITY. A DEBATE OF CIVIL LIBERTIES AND CENSORSHIP <p>The evolution of cyber spying technology presents new and rising dangers; coupled with the easy justification for use of the on-going terrorist crisis these dangers have now become major threats to the international security system. This article aims to provide analysis of these threats, using the new software Pegasus as a focal point of discussion. Developed by the Israeli ‘cyber-warfare’ company ‘NSO’, this spyware signals a danger not only to security but freedom of the press and journalistic integrity. This paper’s focus will centre on how this software is used for censorship rather than to combat terrorism and will examine the social and political ramifications of said use. As highlight, the case of UAE activist Ahmed Mansoor and his contemporaries who were writing against authoritarian governments will be discussed. This article will urge that strict global legislation is needed to stop the abuse of spyware as a tool of censorship.</p> Maria PÎRVU Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE STRATEGIES XXI Iulia Cojocaru Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Fri, 04 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 SECURITY DYNAMIC OF THE STRATEGIC NUCLEAR BALANCE IN SYSTEMS THEORY AND THE CONCEPT OF CENTRES OF GRAVITY <p>The general concepts and understandings of the international security environment in the 21st century have become more complex owing to a multitude of factors spanning both traditional and novel security domains. In the current era, nuclear security in particular has continued to exist in its paramount role of importance. The following paper explores the defined state of the “strategic nuclear balance” as a state extant within the systemic approach towards international security. Based upon previous research in defining the state through core concepts fundamental to systems theory and supporting concepts such as those of centres of gravity, this paper aims to further expand contemporary understandings and illustrate a point of coalescence. Thereby the given study demonstrates how based upon key postulations in the understanding of the security concept in systems theory and centres of gravity of both physical and non-physical nature within a system, a combined novel model can be extrapolated, which demonstrates the security dynamic in the “strategic nuclear balance” between major global nuclear armed state actors. </p> Mario MARINOV, Plamen BOGDANOV, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 SPACE SYSTEMS – A NEW CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SECTOR? <p>In recent years, space capabilities have become increasingly important for the proper function and development of the economy and society and for ensuring security. Space is the newest operating environment for military powers, so decision makers can no longer ignore the benefits of space systems and technologies, but also the risks and threats they may be subjected to. The paper highlights the the growing contribution of all these space systems to the functioning of most critical infrastructure sectors and assesses that they must be an independent sector of such infrastructures that need to be protected.</p> Cristian BĂHNĂREANU, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 CYBERGEOPOLITICS AND CYBERGEOSTRATEGY – EMERGING STUDY FIELDS <p>For some time now, mankind has entered a new phase of evolution, with physical space (land, sea, air, cosmic) being doubled by the virtual one, cyberspace – the global network of interconnected information technologies – and geopolitics and geostrategy could not fail to take into account this new phase in the evolution of history, with the emergence of subfields such as cybergeopolitics and cybergeostrategy, with some authors already anticipating cybernetocracies or cyber powers. It should only be added that cyberspace can be both an environment for the 'new' power (the geopolitical logic being the same) and a weapon – the cyberweapon (the use of cyberattacks as a geostrategic tool). The aim of this study consists in identifying the main components (definition, subject matter, terminology) of the two emerging areas, namely cybergeopolitics and cybergeostrategy. The results of this qualitative research are based on the critical analysis of the specialized literature, in order to summarize the specific phenomenology and to theorize the concept of cybergeopolitics and its dervates.</p> Marius-Cristian NEACȘU, Ph.D., Ioana-Andreea CHICIUC Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION AND THE CENTRAL BALANCE: STRUCTURAL SCENARIOS <p>This paper synthetizes earlier studies and aims to investigate how the nuclear equilibrium between the United States and the Russian Federation may change, because of the process of proliferation. A theoretical perspective combining power transition and rational deterrence theory is used to draw a few scenarios. The main goal is to develop general traits and tendencies, by varying the variable of power distribution and use them to develop a few scenarios.</p> Mihai Vladimir ZODIAN, Ph.D. Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 TOWARDS AN EU STRATEGIC CULTURE: THE CHALLENGE OF RECONCILING NATIONAL CHARACTERS AND A COMMON EU SECURITY AND DEFENSE POLICY IN THE BLACK SEA <p>In the current global context of great power competition and while fighting to overcome and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, the EU has embarked on the ambitious undertaking to redefine itself as a more capable, credible, independent when necessary, defence stakeholder, the EU strategic autonomy process. Throughout this endeavour, it is becoming more and more apparent that one of the more challenging dimensions of the EU strategic autonomy debate is dial of national characters and strategic cultures within the union. The aim of the paper is conceptualizing the strategic culture framework in EU context and to identify both positive and negative factors that carry the potential to influence the formation of an authentic European strategic culture. The final conclusions will assess whether any subsequent actionable policy is in fact possible in the foreseeable future, mainly to what extent an autonomous European strategic culture could act as either a facilitator or inhibitor of EU security and defence decision making.</p> Olga R. CHIRIAC Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 THE CONCEPT OF MULTI-DOMAIN OPERATIONS AND ITS MULTINATIONAL UNDERSTANDING <p>The international competition on emerging technologies rises a new and very dangerous threat for global and regional security because of the easy access to the procurament of very high-tech and sensitive defence material. The race for who will control some domains from the future operating environment is between the United States, Russia and China, but several other state and non-state actors have reconsidered their high-tech strategies, already. It is about India, Iran, Japan, Israel and the European Union as a whole, as well as transnational terrorist and organised crime organisations or multinational companies. At the same time, the last technological developments have created a huge discrepancy in the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA), especially because of letting far behind doctrines and the organisation of military structures for combat. This anacronism is evolving with the intent of gradually replacing regular fighters and current formations in the modern battlefield with robots/androids and joint human-machines teams. As a result, it has become imperative to develop new concepts/strategies for future conflicts that brings together all elemnts of advanced technologies and coordinates their joint acions on any potential adversary, in order to achieve a total and quick victory. This material will analyse the US Army’s concept of Multidimensional Operatios and how it is understood at the Allied level.</p> Crăișor-Constantin IONIȚĂ, Ph.D Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200 NEW CHALLENGES FOR A FUTURE STATE DEFENCE <p>There is an increasing number of non-state actors acting recently as well as present armed conflicts aside of state actors when non-state actors being endowed with more economic and “military” power than smaller states what enable them a broad spectrum of activities in all domains explored by human civilisation. Nowadays even an inner space belongs already to activities of non-state actors. Cyber space is an arena of these actors since the beginning of its exploitation. Putting together, it is necessary to expect a growing number of frictions among various state and non-state actors having their own interests in the same areas and time. These frictions may lead to conflicts, even armed conflicts being presented by other activities than engagement of traditional armed forces against property or interests of both, state or non-state actors with an aim to gain some advantage. Actions in an inner space or in a cyber space could be more serious than small scale armed conflict. These actions might be considered as simple criminal or terroristic acts or as casus belli, like consequences of the 11th September 2001 situation. Who is in charge of judging a nature of the offensive actions between two non-state actors? What state is authorised to declare “war against terrorism” (or criminality?) towards one or all belling parties, which are non-state actors? This situation can arise more questions and this article has an ambition to elaborate some of them to address new challenges in the field of future state defence.</p> Fabian BAXA, Ph.D., Mgr. Aleš TESAŘ, Copyright (c) 2022 STRATEGIES XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0200